If you're among those who think that nothing can be done and things will never change, then this is exactly why you need to watch this video:
Motivated Are You?

is a group, which was formed by a bunch of students in a small coffee shop in New Delhi. The group played a vital role in the anti-reservation campaign. It seeks to create leadership skills in students, and provide them a pedestal to voice out their opinions. This group takes up issues related to the governance, and is trying to bring about a change.
If these young college going students can, then why cant we?
The answer is quite simple, where is the time?Well to answer that, it isn't necessary to dedicate all your time in such activities, nor is it important to come out on the roads in order to bring about a change. Even a slight change in the attitude, can help bring about a much larger change.
Start by doing just a few simple thing:
1. Execute your right to Vote
2. Be an Active and Aware Citizen. Keep your eyes open to the prevalent injustices in our Country. Don't let anyone fool or cheat you.
3. Use the Right To Information Act( R.T.I)
4 . Know your Consumer Rights.
5. Keep your city clean and Green.
6. Learn to voice out your opinion and take an adequate action
7. If you see some thing wrong happening with someone around you, then don't sit quite. There is quite a possibility that the same could happen with you tomorrow.
Love the thought!!! Keep up the good work.. (despite all the fun we make of u, it is good work)!!!
Feel good when I find this type of positive attitude. I liked the blog and I loved the writing. Mainly because according to me the tool (cyber media)you have chosen to influence the society has a great potential but not used it to its maximum extend. I will be intersted in knowing your experiences on this noble path :)My compliements:)
Damn good stuff Ekta...Intelligent activism...and innovative too..
Keep 'em coming
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