Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Happy Republic Day India


The constitution of India came into force on 26th January 1950. Ever since, the day is celebrated on a grand scale, as the Republic Day of India, and is marked as a National Holiday.

To commemorate this occasion, the Prime minister delivers a speech and hoists the flag, which is then followed bJustify Fully a grand parade at India Gate, New Delhi.

It was on this day, 60 years back that our constitution came into force, and also that India completely freed herself from the shackles of the British Raj.

Though, I'm beginning to contemplate this freedom that we have attained, for simple reasons such as:
  • Even today, a girl isn't free to walk down the street post dawn by her self.(Risk Involved: Eve teasing, molestation, rape)
  • Even today, you and I aren't safe when we step out of the house. (Risk Involved: Bomb blasts, Terror Attacks)
  • Even today, you and I aren't free to express our views on issues and politicians.(Risk Involved:Can be threatened, beaten up or even murdered by goons of the politicians)
  • The fact is, that even today you and I aren't free of the prejudice of caste, colour, creed, religion or gender.
So what freedom have we really achieved?
  • Freedom to kill someone and get away with it?
  • Freedom to litter, and urinate on the corners of the streets?
  • Freedom to create disharmony and disunity among people?
  • Freedom to sit at home on the election day?
  • Freedom to enjoy and relax on our National Holidays?
Or the Freedom to call ourselves Patriots on the three National Holidays?

The reality is that we are all accustomed to the way things work in our country, and have gladly accepted to follow the same route without questioning the system. We all love to boast about our trips to the U.S. and U.K. but how many of us try to make India a better place to live in? It is very easy to criticize even I do. But it is rather difficult to take that one step which will help us contribute in the overall growth of our country.
I know this sounds repetitive, and even I have heard people say similar things a million times before, but sometimes it is necessary for us to repeat. It is necessary for us to repeat in order to be heard.
Well the contribution needs to be made.By me, by you and by all of us individually and collectively.
The simplest way to get started is by paying our taxes, being a little less corrupt( Face it or not, we are all corrupt in our own different way) , making our vote count, avoid discrimination, try and dedicate some time to the less privileged ones share your knowledge and experience.

Because each one of us can and will make the little change our country needs. Even if I sound Hopelessly optimistic, the fact is that I am, and trust me if you are too, then this is the driving force, which will give you the kick to do something.

On this republic day, let us make a promise to ourselves, that we will make the little change required in order to bring about a change. So, Lets start today!

Jai Hind!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's not Impossible, but I'm-Possible!

If you're among those who think that nothing can be done and things will never change, then this is exactly why you need to watch this video:

Motivated Are You?

is a group, which was formed by a bunch of students in a small coffee shop in New Delhi. The group played a vital role in the anti-reservation campaign. It seeks to create leadership skills in students, and provide them a pedestal to voice out their opinions. This group takes up issues related to the governance, and is trying to bring about a change.

If these young college going students can, then why cant we?

The answer is quite simple, where is the time?Well to answer that, it isn't necessary to dedicate all your time in such activities, nor is it important to come out on the roads in order to bring about a change. Even a slight change in the attitude, can help bring about a much larger change.

Start by doing just a few simple thing:

1. Execute your right to Vote
2. Be an Active and Aware Citizen. Keep your eyes open to the prevalent injustices in our Country. Don't let anyone fool or cheat you.
3. Use the Right To Information Act( R.T.I)
4 . Know your Consumer Rights.
5. Keep your city clean and Green.
6. Learn to voice out your opinion and take an adequate action
7. If you see some thing wrong happening with someone around you, then don't sit quite. There is quite a possibility that the same could happen with you tomorrow.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Welcome to 'CYBER ACTIV-ISM' a blog, that will keep you posted on issues that matter to the society, and the steps which one can take to bring about a change.

The internet has proved to be an extremely useful and powerful tool in communicating information and creating awareness among people on issues that affect the society and its people.It has become a vital part of our lives today.It provides easy access to information about anything to everything that takes place in any part of the globe.
It has created a public forum for people to express and discuss their views with others. It also helps like minded people to unite, and come out of their homes in order to work collectively for a Just Cause. Thus, internet helps in Mass Communication, and is often referred to as ‘NEW MEDIA’.

Over the past few years, independent activists have used this forum by creating Blogs, Websites, Online petitions, keeping people posted about issues related to Human rights interest on Social Networking sites such as Facebook, Orkut, and Twitter.

In todays Net Savvy World even Activism has become a Cyber Activity. As far as I know, Cyber Activism is a relatively new concept, which I was introduced to about five years back, when I came across an Online petition, which demanded Justice for Jessica Lal.

If you ask me whether it works or not, my answer would be YES! it works!

Internet was one of the medium which kept public informed about the proceedings of the case, it generated a momentum which instigated people to come out on the streets to demand for justice.People began to talk and spread knowledge about this case over the net in their search for justice, which was followed by candle light vigils, that were covered by both electronic and print media.

This case is just an example to show how this forum is used to mobilize people on such issues.Justice for Priyadarshani Mattoo, Nitish Katara and the recent Ruchika case are similar examples.

The internet has been used to educate people on various social issues, such as the importance to vote' The Go vote campaign', consumer awareness 'Jago Grahak Jago', How to file RTI's along with an endless number of blogs on the politics and current affairs of our country.

Hence I present to you a blog, which will keep you updated on issues that matter, and the steps that we can do to Bring about a change, because 'Yes We Can and Yes We Will'